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Time to Listen: 35 min. 40 sec.

David C. Baker
David Lecours interviews David C. Baker, Publisher at Rockbench Publishing and author of The Business of Expertise, about book publishing for experts.

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Mentioned in This Episode 113: Book Publishing for Experts

  • David C. Baker’s uncommon path to founding Rockbench Publishing
  • Why should an expert write a book?
  • What does it mean today to be a published author?
  • Leveraging a book to launch public speaking opportunities
  • Don’t write a book just to make money
  • The unexpected benefits of writing a book
  • How long should the average business book be in word count?
  • How many hours does it take to write a good business book?
  • Consider a writing retreat to get your book done
  • When should an author start thinking about publishing options?
  • The importance of writing an outline
  • Do you need to write a book proposal?
  • Can an expert’s book be a good marketing tool for your firm?
  • How many copies should you print in the first edition of your book?
  • What are the other roles of the people needed for an author to succeed?


Resources Mentioned


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